Using C from Python: How to create a ctypes wrapper

For details, please read the ctypes documentation.


This is a short tutorial on using C from Python with the help of a ctypes wrapper module. Let's say we have a small C library for calculating sums and want to use it in Python.


int our_function(int num_numbers, int *numbers) {
    int i;
    int sum = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < num_numbers; i++) {
        sum += numbers[i];
    return sum;

Compile it:

cc -fPIC -shared -o sum.c

Now to the main part, first the complete listing and then a line by line explanation:

import ctypes

_sum = ctypes.CDLL('')
_sum.our_function.argtypes = (ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int))

def our_function(numbers):
    global _sum
    num_numbers = len(numbers)
    array_type = ctypes.c_int * num_numbers
    result = _sum.our_function(ctypes.c_int(num_numbers), array_type(*numbers))
    return int(result)

We import the ctypes module in the first line, then the shared library is loaded (usually you would want to include a check for the operating system here and name a dll instead, if running on windows). It is stored in the variable _sum and the functions in this library can be accessed as members (e.g. _sum.our_functions). In the next line, we set the argument types for the function. The function ctypes.POINTER creates a pointer datatype, so ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int) is the ctypes datatype for int *. When using the functions, ctypes will check if the arguments fit to these types.

The real function definition follows in the next lines. We don't need the num_numbers argument as the length of Python sequences can be queried. This is the first thing we do in the function (after quickly stating that _sum is global to help the interpreter find it). Next, we need to define a ctypes array type, which is binary compatible to what the library expects. This can be done by 'multiplying' the type ctypes.c_int with an integer. To create an array with this type, we use:


The type expects each array element as an argument, so we use the asterisk notation with numbers. The result has the type ctypes.c_int and we want to return a python integer, therefore int(result) is returned.

Using this wrapper module is quite straight-forward:

import sum
print sum.our_function([1,2,-3,4,-5,6])

Callback Functions

ctypes uses a library that creates functions which follow the platform-dependent calling convention during runtime. Thanks to that, it is also possible to wrap a Python function in a way that it becomes callable from C. When dealing with APIs that include events (e.g. a GUI library), this comes in very helpful, as it allows us to use Python functions as C callbacks.

To do this, we need to create a function type with the method ctypes.CFUNCTYPE:

callback_type = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_float, ctypes.c_float)

This creates a function type which is equivalent to the following C type:

typedef int (*callback_type)(float, float);

Next we create an instance of this type with our Python function:

def greater_than(a,b):
    if a > b:
        return 1
        return 0
callback_func = callback_type(greater_than)

This callback_func can be used as a normal argument to C functions now. It is very important to make sure that you keep a reference to this type for as long as any C library might call it. If it gets deleted by the garbage collector, calling it from C is likely to either cause a segfault or maybe even interpret random memory as machine language.