From now on every user of our GitLab server can utilize GitLab CI and GitLab Pages services.
What are GitLab CI and GitLab Pages?
GitLab CI is a Continuous Integration (CI) service within GitLab. CI itself is the process of continuously integrating all components of a software project to a complete application or library when new commits are pushed to a GitLab repository. It covers building software components, testing and optional deployment. GitLab CI provides the infrastructure to implement CI workflows but is very flexible as each user can freely configure which commands are executed in a CI run.
GitLab Pages is an extension of GitLab CI to automatically publish static websites for individual users, groups and projects. Theses websites can be built using GitLab CI and they are hosted by our GitLab instance.
How can I get started with GitLab CI and GitLab Pages?
We have created an example CI project with build and test jobs and an automatically generated code documentation. See .gitlab-ci.yml for an example configuration or follow the Getting Started guides for GitLab CI and GitLab Pages.
If you are interested in CI and need assistance adopting the new services for your project(s), please contact Ingo Meyer or Florian Rhiem.